2K Spray Painting System , Manufacturer, Supplier, Distributor, Pune, Maharashtra, India
2 K Spray Painting System
System Comprises of Pump with Heated Hoses system if required, Automatic Ratio Control Fluid Flow meters through HMI Electro Pneumatic Control Panel. For Low viscous paints, Low pressure Pumps are being used, with flow as per Ratio desired. When Thick Coating Paints are to be applied on Object for Base & hardener system,Paints need to be heated to reduce Viscosity of paint for smooth flow of Paints.so that it is convenient to apply Material on Object thought airless Spray System. For Internal Pipe coating, Automatic rotating Nozzles are being used. With Boom. System is mounted on wheel mounted Trolley . Electrical Stirrers will mix the base and hardener for Homogeneous consistency. High Volume transfer pumps will transfer the base & hardener for Tank to the Manifold Flushing pumps will be mounted in between Transfer Pump & Mising Pumps. High pressure 2K Pump with Two suction Hydraulic Pump will measure and transfer base & haedener to the Mixing pro Static Mixing Chamber. Further heated Paints goes to the automatic Spray Gun for Internal painting through Heated High Pressure Hoses.
